A senior person exercising while wearing a back brace.

5 Exercises to avoid while wearing back braces

Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining overall health, but choosing your activities knowingly is helpful when wearing a brace. A back brace provides essential support for spinal health, especially during recovery. In this blog, we’ll explore exercises to avoid using a back brace during exercise and discuss the importance of consulting a physician for exercise guidance.

Exercises with a Back Brace to Keep Your Back from Injury Trauma

While physical activity is vital for overall well-being, specific exercises can strain the back and potentially harm the spine while wearing a brace. Movements involving heavy lifting, sudden twisting, or extreme bending should be cautiously approached. Activities like deadlifts, full sit-ups, and high-impact aerobics can exert excessive pressure on the spine, counteracting the purpose of the back brace.

Consulting Your Physician for Safe Exercises with a Back Brace

When utilizing a  brace, seeking professional advice is essential. It’s recommended to consult your physician or orthopedic specialist before engaging in any exercise regimen. They can recommend exercises that align with your recovery goals and ensure that they don’t compromise the effectiveness of the brace. Low-impact exercises like gentle walking, swimming, or modified yoga can offer health benefits and peace of mind.

5 Exercises to Avoid for Future 

  1. Heavy Weightlifting: Lifting heavy weights strains the back muscles and spine, risking injury.
  2. Full Sit-Ups: Full sit-ups can place excessive pressure on the spine and hinder healing.
  3. Twisting Lunges: Sudden twisting, like those in lunges, can strain the back muscles.
  4. High-Impact Jumping: Activities involving frequent jumping can jolt the spine, potentially causing harm.
  5. Overhead Shoulder Press: Lifting weights overhead can compress the spine, affecting the brace’s support.


Your back brace serves as a crucial tool in supporting spinal health during recovery. To receive tailored exercise recommendations that align with your goals and protect your brace’s integrity, consulting a physician or orthopedic specialist is vital. TrueMedicalEquipment provides valuable support with a variety of products and expert guidance, enhancing your path to a healthier, pain-free back. Keep in mind, that maintaining a balanced fitness routine is key to promoting healing without compromising your brace’s benefits.